Role and name:

Written, Directed, and Animated by Keya Saxena

Music by Jimbob

With Interviews from my parents, Richa & Manish Saxena

Inspiration behind the film:

A film created out of crisis, confusion, and frustration: a film by Keya. About me, by me, for everyone. As I reflect on my childhood & life thus far, I grapple with a small yet consistent struggle that has never left me - the mispronunciation of my name.

Maturity Rating:
Community Tags:

Archival, Documentary, Personal, Animated, Coming-Of-Age, Immigration, Identity, Assimilation, Reflection

Keya Saxena
Social handles:

Screened at Bungalow Collective's Launch Exhibit "Roots & Routes

Screened at 8-Ball TV's Showcase "Everything But The Kitchen Sink"

Screened at Minorities in Film's Showcase "Make News, Make Noise"