Role and name:

Inspiration behind the film:

"Strip" is a semi-autobiographical film inspired by my first waxing experience. Similar to Sherry, I believed taming my pubic hair was the key to becoming a confident woman and controlling my femininity. However, I stopped my technician halfway through the process. Spread eagle and red-faced, I found confidence through speaking up and exercising agency over my own body. I wanted to make a comedic coming-of-age film about this absurdly painful experience of womanhood. Sherry’s a female protagonist motivated by her own desires, not the opinion of sexual partners, to feel comfortable in her skin. Deeper than exploring unrealistic beauty standards, "Strip" examines what it’s like to speak up for yourself for the first time. Now, more than ever, stories about women controlling their bodies are critical for our cultural lexicon. Ultimately, "Strip" depicts a small victory and body autonomy in the face of major societal pressures.

Maturity Rating:
Community Tags:

Cosmetics, Spa, Beauty, Women, Sarcastic humor

Emily Everhard
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