Power the film that matters to you

Watch independent films that resonate with you and take the time to get to know the artists behind them. Explore their backgrounds, understand their creative processes, and connect with the stories they aim to tell. By engaging with independent filmmakers, you not only support diverse voices and innovative storytelling but also become part of a community that values and nurtures artistic expression.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is NFA?

NextFoundArtist is a streaming platform designed for independent filmmakers, enabling consumers to support the films and artists that matter to them. Created by filmmakers for filmmakers, our distribution offering showcases the heart of independent cinema. Our mission is to provide a stage for artists, from in-person screenings to distribution, who are often overlooked and undervalued, allowing them to share their original voices with a wider audience. We ensure filmmakers retain ownership of their creations while also receiving marketing assistance.

Looking to partner?

We partner with film festivals and film organizations world wide. Reach out to learn more about our partnership opportunities! Partnerships@nextfoundartist.com.

How do i submit my films?

NFA submission form. We review all submissions and will get back to you on approval.  Once you submit the content, we will contact you directly at your sign up email. We may ask for additional marketing materials when we promote your film on social media.

Have additional questions?

For film submission related inquiries, please write to us at artist@nextfoundartist.com .
For technical support, please write to us at support@nextfoundartist.com .
If you have any other questions, please write to us at info@nextfoundartist.com .

Thank you to our partners